The National Secretariat of Public-Private Partnerships (SNAPP – Secretaría Nacional de Asociaciones Público-Privadas) is a technical unit that provides the necessary technical support for the implementation of public initiatives under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) modality in the country, in charge of the Contracting Public Entities (CPEs) -ministries, decentralized institutions, public companies or municipalities. The SNAPP acts as facilitator and inter-institutional nexus of the PPP Regime, created in Panama through Law No. 93 of September 19, 2019; it provides operational and technical support to the Governing Body, which approves or rejects the public initiatives submitted by the CPEs, among other functions.
In addition to providing thechical support to CPEs for public initiatives to be elegible as a potential PPP Project, SNAPP is also responsible for:
Defining, for approval by the Governing Body, the guidelines, and methodologies for the evaluation of the value for money of the PPP project.
Acting as a link between the CPEs and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), in relation to PPP projects to be executed within the framework of Law No. 93, 2019.
Proposing the standards and necessary information to be observed by CPEs for the registration of PPP projects in the PPP Registry, as well as inform the Governing Body of the status of such projects, ensuring transparency in the management of the registry.
Developing, for the consideration and approval of the Governing Body, the PPP project selection criteria, the standardization of processes, and the collaboration protocols between the institutions in the development of PPP projects.
Submitting to the Governing Body the technical reports prepared by the CPEs that support the PPP project proposals, previously verifying compliance with the eligibility criteria, as well as assisting in the review of the technical reports.
Following up on the implementation of the institutional strengthening plans of the CPEs related to PPPs, as well as provide specific guidance on the application framework of Law No. 93 and its regulations.
Managing the PPP Registry, whose implementation is determined in the Regulation of Law No. 93, among other functions established in Law No. 93, 2019.
Enter here to learn more about the functions of the SNAPP, in accordance with Article 12 of Law No. 93, 2019.