PPP Process: Learn about how a public
initiative is structured under
the PPP modality
About PPPs: Knowing the characteristics
of this new modality of public contracting
in Panama
Eligibility Criteria: The first steps towards structuring a PPP Project under
Law No. 93, 2019
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About PPPs

Do you know what
Public-Private Partnerships are?

Public-Private Parterships (PPPs) are long-term contracts entered into between one or more entities and the private sector to create, develop, improve and/or maintain public infrastructure for the provision of public services. 

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Benefits & Advantages

Learn more about the PPPs benefits and advantages

Panama created in 2019 its PPP Regime, a public procurement modality that arose in the UK in the 1990s as a tool to renew public assets after a long period of low investment in infrastructure. 

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PPP Radar

Public Initiatives
& PPP Projects
in Panama

Find information on public initiatives under structuring and analysis, and projects that have been approved by the Governing Body for implementation as PPPs in the country.

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What is the Governing Body
and what are its functions?

The Governing Body is responsible, among other functions, for approving or rejecting the initiatives proposed by the Contracting Public Entities…

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Preguntas frecuentes

¿Qué es el Ente Rector y cuáles son sus funciones?

El Ente Rector es el responsable, entre otras funciones, de aprobar o desestimar las iniciativas que proponen las Entidades Públicas Contratantes