The different public sector actors that are part of the PPP Ecosystem are involved in all phases of a public initiative, from its identification, structuring, design, implementation, and supervision by the Contracting Public Entity (CPE) to its potential implementation in the country as a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project.
Governing Body
Approves or rejects the initiatives proposed by the Contracting Public Entities (CPE), through the SNAPP, or those considered by the Cabinet Council to be implemented under the PPP modality, among other functions.
National Secretariat of Public-Private Partnerships (SNAPP)
Acts as a liaison between the Contracting Public Entities (CPEs) and the Governing Body. The National Secretariat of PPPs (Secretaría Nacional de Asociaciones Público-Privadas, SNAPP) provides technical support to the CPEs in the identification, planning, formulation, structuring, bidding, and execution stages of PPP projects and provides operational support to the Governing Entity, among other functions. It does not propose or implement PPP projects.
Identifies projects in its portfolio with potential for implementation under the PPP modality. Prepares the corresponding technical reports for submission to the Governing Body, through the SNPPP, for evaluation and potential approval. It is responsible for proposing, designing, structuring, implementing and supervising PPP projects, among other functions.
Coordinates, together with the SNAPP, the methodology to be used to evaluate the impact of the PPP project on the specific public expenditure of the Contracting Public Entity and on the General State Budget, during the term of the PPP contract, among other functions.
Countersigns PPP contracts and their modifications, if any. Oversees the Contracting Public Entities in the execution of PPP contracts, as established in Law No. 32, 1984, Organic Law of the Comptroller General of the Republic, amended by Law. 351, 2022.
General Directorate of Public Contracting
Responsible for resolving, in sole instance, claim actions within the PPP processes, subject to the deadlines and procedures established by Law No. 22, 2006.
Administrative Tribunal for Public Contracting
Responsible for resolving, if any, the appeals filed by bidders in the bidding processes of PPP contracts, subject to the terms and procedures established by Law No. 22, 2006.